Anglický jazyk 18. 5.

Publikováno: 16. 5. 2020 Autor(ka): Marie Kárníková


It´s the 18th of May.

Topic for Monday: Describing people

1) Read the Freddie´s text/Přečti si, co říká Freddie

My friend Luke Green has got shor,t fair hair and green eyes.

His dad, Mr Green is tall  and slim. He´s bald, with blue eyes and a red beard. He´s got a big nose.

Luke´s mum, Mrs Green, isn´t very tall, and she´s quite fat. She´s got short, black hair and brown eyes. She´s very friendly.

Sarah is Luke´s sister. She´s twelve. She´s tall  and slim, with long, brown hair and blue eyes.

2) Draw and colour the picture - WB: 52/2/V pracovním sešitě na str. 52 cv. 2 nakresli obrázek jednotlivých lidí.

Enjoy the task




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